Friday, August 28, 2009

Book Club: Amanda Bright @ Home

Amanda Bright @ Home by Danielle Crittenden is a story about Amanda who struggles with the decision to be a stay-at-home mom. This book is filled with interesting characters. The stay-at-home moms with a hired nanny who allow them to sip wine by the pool all day, the beautiful selfish single friend, the stay-at-home dad. Amanda finds it impossible to keep up with the other moms, and goes on a self-reflecting journey to find out what is important in life.

While reading about how much of a mess Amanda is, I realized that I am at a great place in my life right now. I am content to be a stay-at-home mom, I am confident in my abilities as such, and I am comfortable with who I am when not at home.

After having two kids really close together, we have decided to take a break. The last 4 years of my life have been defined by either being pregnant, or nursing an infant. In just the last 6-months I have been able to revive the youthful Melissa. I have been able to get my body back to pre-baby weight. I have been able to enjoy hiking and camping and roller coaster parks this summer. I have been able to run -- breaking personal distance records I never thought possible. Overall, it has made be feel really good about myself.

I don't know if we'll have any more kids or not. But I do know that I am still alive and well. I do know that I am not just a stay-at-home mom; there is a personality in here. And I am happy with my life.

Amanda Bright @ Home is a good book for self reflection. I do have to say, that for the stay-at-home mom, it was not an escape from your life (as I think books should be). When I opened the book, there were still toys on the floor, still thoughts I was thinking during the day, only translated in Amanda's voice. Overall, a good read because it provoked reflection of my own life.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What's Melissa eating today?

Are you tired of mac and cheese and PB&J for lunch? Have you ever tried these Zip'n Steam bags? You can put whatever you want in them, add spices, and pop them in the microwave. Today I wanted something different than the kids. I found some tilapia fillets in the freezer, chopped up some summer squash and broccoli, added a little olive oil, garlic powder, oregano, salt and pepper.
4 minutes later...

Delicious, healthy food!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Christensen family reunion

We went on our annual family camping trip at grandma and grandpa's lot in Island Park this weekend. That means it was Curtis's parents, and siblings and their families. It was a great trip in spite of the weather. It was pretty chilly all the time, and I'm sure it was in the 40's at night. But on the plus side, we didn't see a single hornet or mosquito.

The theme of the weekend was HOW DIRTY CAN TAYLA GET?

How about a dusty four-wheeler ride?

Or a dirt shower (she picked up handfuls of dirt and dropped it on her head)...

Or swimming in the dirt...
(Yes, that's a rice crispie treat in her hand and I'm sure she ate it afterward.)

She was absolutely filthy and the bath water was brown when we got home.

Another hit was the bubbles. I was so happy about this straw contraption because Tayla could actually blow bubbles using it.

Tayla is a great little camper! She stays in her sleeping bag and sleeps throughout the night despite the cold temperatures. She is generally happy all of the time even when she trips and falls constantly. She LOVES taking four-wheeler rides! She just seems to love everything about it.

Xander was a bit of a stinker at bedtime. He unzipped and climbed through 4 doors of our tent to go play with his sister instead of sleeping in his tent. He also refused to put his arms and his head in his mummy bag, so he woke up cold at night. However, during the day, he was a good boy. He played with his cousins really well.

Curtis and I went on a long four-wheeler ride while the kids were supposed to be napping. It was really fun, although at times I feared for my life. It was a perfect weekend as we got to spend a little time with each family member.

A few gems.

My internet hasn't been so friendly lately, so here are some "catch up" pictures of what we've been doing lately.

Reed's dairy days....
Yes she actually did fall asleep eating her ice cream cone. Look at that little frost-bitten nose!

What kid eats an ice cream cone with a spoon?

Hello sheep, how ya doing?

This is Curtis chasing Xander around the pool. I thought both of their faces were priceless.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

round 2 for the birthday cake

On the weekend, we went to grandma and grandpa house. Xander rode Kirby or "Curvy" as Xander calls him. I'm glad he still enjoys riding after he fell off last Thanksgiving.

Then we had Xander's special birthday cake. It was strawberry inside because Xander wanted a red cake. Mom made one "INCREDIBLE" cake. ;-)