Friday, August 28, 2009

Book Club: Amanda Bright @ Home

Amanda Bright @ Home by Danielle Crittenden is a story about Amanda who struggles with the decision to be a stay-at-home mom. This book is filled with interesting characters. The stay-at-home moms with a hired nanny who allow them to sip wine by the pool all day, the beautiful selfish single friend, the stay-at-home dad. Amanda finds it impossible to keep up with the other moms, and goes on a self-reflecting journey to find out what is important in life.

While reading about how much of a mess Amanda is, I realized that I am at a great place in my life right now. I am content to be a stay-at-home mom, I am confident in my abilities as such, and I am comfortable with who I am when not at home.

After having two kids really close together, we have decided to take a break. The last 4 years of my life have been defined by either being pregnant, or nursing an infant. In just the last 6-months I have been able to revive the youthful Melissa. I have been able to get my body back to pre-baby weight. I have been able to enjoy hiking and camping and roller coaster parks this summer. I have been able to run -- breaking personal distance records I never thought possible. Overall, it has made be feel really good about myself.

I don't know if we'll have any more kids or not. But I do know that I am still alive and well. I do know that I am not just a stay-at-home mom; there is a personality in here. And I am happy with my life.

Amanda Bright @ Home is a good book for self reflection. I do have to say, that for the stay-at-home mom, it was not an escape from your life (as I think books should be). When I opened the book, there were still toys on the floor, still thoughts I was thinking during the day, only translated in Amanda's voice. Overall, a good read because it provoked reflection of my own life.


  1. good review. i might have to read it, and since i'm not a stay-at-home-mom, it'll be a vacation for me. :)
    i'm glad you're loving life right now. so important. i have a pretty positive outlook lately myself. something in the air?

  2. I think summer will do that to ya. We'll see how we feel in the middle of winter. ;-)
