Tayla: The vampire teeth have come through, finally! It's been a crabby couple of weeks as she's been getting these teeth. It seems like she hasn't gotten teeth for a long time, so these surprised her with pain she probably doesn't remember having experienced.
Tayla is starting to put words together. Last night it was an adjective with a noun: "big stick." Then she surprised us with her first sentence last night! "Iawnta book" (I want a book.) She's starting to learn colors and letters.
Preschool has been hardest on her (and she's not the one going, Xander is.) She used to cry everytime we dropped him off. Then she'd wander around the house looking for him..."nanner, nanner, are you?" But the separation has been a good thing. Now she immediately starts jabbering when we drop off Xander; as if she hasn't been able to get a word in with him around.
Xander: Started preschool. He loves it, and I've already noticed a big difference in what he's learned! One morning I was laying in bed, when I heard Xander yelling at Tayla so she'd wake up. The next thing I hear is him singing song after song to Tayla; 5 monkeys swinging in the trees, ABC's, itsy bitsy spider. I could never get him to sing to me before! And here he was singing to his sister. He just melts my heart.
Xander also has a newfound love of corn on the cob! He eats a lot of it too. Good job son!
We've been enjoying these warm September days! We only have been to every playground in town, except for one. We'll probably check it out next week. We picniced in our backyard on a day Curtis had off. It was very pleasant.
so so so cute. can't wait for you guys to visit again.